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Withrow's Garden Centres...

Learn more on our Seed Room & Greenhouses pages...

Gardeners 'know' about Withrow's...

Even more than our markets, we have become known for our Garden Centres, supplied by select nurseries, and staffed by our helpful, knowledgeable employees.  From seeds & herbs in the spring, transplants & potted plants in summer, to fall flowers & autumn decor, to Christmas trees & Holiday arrangements in winter, Withrow's is 'your go-to place' for all things lawn & garden!

We carry the basics of course:

  • soils & mulches

  • seeds & fertilizers

  • bird feeds & feeders

  • ​pots planters & baskets

  • insecticides & herbicides

plus those special extras our customers

are looking for to make their gardening

hobby easier and more successful.​

pretty hanging baskets...
brilliant blooms...

We use select suppliers of veggies, annuals, perennials, hanging baskets, shrubs & fruit trees.  Smaller local greenhouse growers are proud of what they grow and are innovative with new plant trends, which we can pass along to you.


We offer hundreds of varieties and choices of perennials, from Nova Scotia  suppliers like Fundy Beauties.  They field-grow their perennials by the Bay of Fundy and the end product is hardened and ready for Nova Scotia winters.

As well we offer hundreds of varieties of shrubs and trees (each comes with a full one year warranty if purchased at full price), mostly supplied by LeMay Nursery out of Quebec.   By using a nursery with climate zone conditions similar to those of ours in Nova Scotia, the shrubs and trees are hardier for that first, critical winter. 

All of our small fruit plants, (strawberry, raspberry, etc.) are grown by Charles Keddy Nursery in the Annapolis Valley right here in Nova Scotia.

Lawn Care?  Of course!  Everyone wants the best lawn in the neighborhood and our exclusive lawn seed mix by Pick Seed makes this easy.  This successful grass seed mix maximizes new lawn growth in our clay soils during droughts, while minimizing insect damage.  Yes, we sell 50lb. lot sizes for our larger country lawns.

We also sell Sweet Valley Herbs, the 'Rose Elegance' rose series from Sheridan Nurseries, and continually add new garden decor items.  


From the elegant to the whimsical, there’s always something new each season for gardeners in our greenhouses & yards, from signs to ceramic ornaments.  (Check our Giftware Gallery too for more ideas.)

charming ready-made potted arrangements...
ask about our shrubs & fruit trees...
all the colours of Fall...

Weekly Specials - 



We are open for the


Monday to Saturday 

9:00 am to 6:00 pm


All of our usual cuts and products are available

Our summer line of BBQ items are still available but on a reduced scale.

If you would like something special please call ahead and place your order





We are open for the


Open Daily 

9:00 am to 6:00 pm

All of our usual items in the 

Farm Market are available except our ICE CREAM CORNER

Check Facebook for our latest Specials

Open Daily

9:00 Am to 6:00 PM


Our Garden Centers are closed for the winter,

however stay tuned for updates as product becomes available for the 2025 Growing Season

Farm Market & Garden Centre

1040 Highway 214, Belnan

Market - 902 883-2698

Open Daily

9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Withrow's Meat Shop - 902 883-0483,

Open Monday to Saturday

9:00 am to 6:00 pm


withrows on instagram

Withrow's Farm & Garden Centre

206 Highway 1, Mt. Uniacke 902 - 866-1113


WILL Re-OPEN Near the End of APRIL

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Mt Uniacke

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