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Rocky Knoll Farm Meat Shop


Rocky Knoll Farm

Meat Shop

1040 Highway 214, Belnan -
902 883-0483

9am to 8pm, Mon through Sat



You can also find our meats at:

  • "The Canteen" sandwich shop in downtown Dartmouth

  • Durty Nellys Pub in downtown Halifax 

  • Alderney Landing Farmers Market on Saturday mornings from 8-1 at the Vessel Meats stall.

In the meat shop we carry:

  • Free range chickens & turkeys

  • Sausages, smoked bacon, lamb

  • ​Pork - chop, the roast, the full loin, or by the side

  • plus herb mixes for stuffing & rubs, dips & chowders

  • BBQ supplies and fixin's like condiments, sauces & bun

  • ​Cut & wrapped beef - sides, hind quarters, front quarters

  • Lean ground beef, hamburger patties, wieners, chicken legs

  • Steaks - prime rib, t-bone, sirloin, blade, round, cross rib,

      marinating, stew meat

We are distributors for these fine lines:


Scroll through the Photo Galleries below to see all the 

fixin's we offer for the best tasting meat...buns, spice

mixes & marinades, special cuts & roasts for special

occasions, and helpful staff with great advice!

Ask about our 

fresh dog food!

Package Deals - 2024 - REVISED -JPEG.jpg

Package Deals 2024

Retail Beef Chart

slicing mushrooms...
layering the ham
stuffing next...
mushrooms now...
you had me at bacon!
time to tie...
slicing time...
ready for sale

Making our pork pinwheels is a skilled and time-consuming process, click to see details...

'In this age of factory meats in all the warehouses & super markets our clients are grateful to receive real farm raised meats/poultry & produce. As owner of Catering Unlimited I strongly recommend Withrows Farm & Meat Market'  Susie McDonell, Catering Unlimited - see more Reviews... 

Have you tried our In-store Prepared Meats yet?  Ready to go, easy to cook and oh sooo delicious!  Perfect to build a meal around & a great way to get more fruit & veggies into your diet too.

Colourful kebabs, on the barby or under the broiler - tender chunks of pork or chicken, marinated in-house with your choice of hot & spicy, honey garlic, slovacki or chipotle sauce.  Layered with slices of fresh red, orange, & yellow peppers, sweet red onions and topped with a grape tomato.  Meat AND salad on a stick!

True meat lovers will enjoy our brochettes, succulent marinated pork tenderloins from the famous Pork Shop in Tatamagouche, wrapped in thick slices of their tasty smoked bacon.  Skewered in groups of three, four or five on a stick, these tender, juicy brochettes are ready to go and cook up quick.

‘Yet another year has passed and our yearly barbecue at Waterford Suites in downtown Halifax was a great success!! One of the reason why we have so many compliments is that we serve the best. Our hamburg patties come from Withrows and we never compromise.’ 

David & Cathy Hayes, Resident Managers, Waterford Suites, Halifax - see more Reviews... 

Pork - it's just about everybody's favourite meat, and nobody wraps it up like Withrow's

Rocky Knoll Meat Shop.

(Oh yeah, there's even fruit & veggies in there too.)

Weekly Specials - 



We are open for the


Monday to Saturday 

9:00 am to 6:00 pm


All of our usual cuts and products are available

Our summer line of BBQ items are still available but on a reduced scale.

If you would like something special please call ahead and place your order





We are open for the


Open Daily 

9:00 am to 6:00 pm

All of our usual items in the 

Farm Market are available except our ICE CREAM CORNER

Check Facebook for our latest Specials

Open Daily

9:00 Am to 6:00 PM


Our Garden Centers are closed for the winter,

however stay tuned for updates as product becomes available for the 2025 Growing Season

Farm Market & Garden Centre

1040 Highway 214, Belnan

Market - 902 883-2698

Open Daily

9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Withrow's Meat Shop - 902 883-0483,

Open Monday to Saturday

9:00 am to 6:00 pm


withrows on instagram

Withrow's Farm & Garden Centre

206 Highway 1, Mt. Uniacke 902 - 866-1113


WILL Re-OPEN Near the End of APRIL

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Mt Uniacke

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